That's really helpful. Thanks!
Type: Posts; User: Carl J.; Keyword(s):
That's really helpful. Thanks!
It really depends on the kind of site your trying to make. Both have their benefits and negative points so depending on what you're going to be using the site for your ideal decision may change.
out of those two, i'd choose jumpline they have a great reputation and are really well designed
Can't really help you without knowing the specific kind of database you're using.
Not enough :P
Page rank increases mostly by having links from other sites directed toward yours. So, if you increase your domain's presence on the internet through things like forum posts, references, and...
I would also recommend GoDaddy. They can be a bit more expensive than other domain registrars but offer the best service I've found. is a great resource. They fit most budgets and have the best support services I've ever used.
Don't use free hosting if you plan on growing much at all.
If you're looking to use it for your business make sure what you pin is appropriate and relevant. Pictures of products would be ideal but I wouldn't have that be everything.