General Information
Database Title: 1985-2021 US Auto Parts Catalog Database
Database URL:
Database Price: $995.00
Samples or Demo: (Please click 'Samples' tab)
Download Size: 10915.84 MB (Data imported in MySQL)
Number of Tables: 12
Primary Table Records: 521,648
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Data Description
Twitter: @UsableDatabases
Description: With 521,648 parts by 37 years, 59 makes, 17,299 models, 41,064 sub-models or trims, 63,076 engines, and 217 manufacturers, this is the latest (1985 to 2021) and highly comprehensive United States auto parts database for your auto parts software, app, or website. Parts are also categorized by 8 tier 1 categories, further by 158 tier 2 categories, and eventually by 5,698 tier 3 categories, which all come with a large cover image each.

Other than general part fields, the part_attributes (99.4%) field carry further details of 642 unique part attributes: warranty (94.8%), location (62.0%), product fit (51.8%), series (49.5%), recommended use (45.9%), notes (35.2%), replaces OE number (28.7%), material (25.8%), type (20.9%), interchange part number (20.7%), color finish (19.5%), returns policy (19.4%), design (9.3%), components (8.7%), etc.. This data set also comes with 520,830 auto part images (139.85G) that are of high resolutions with no watermarks, averaging about 246KB per JPEG image, ready for your part store and inventory management. There are 16 tables in this database.

Data Samples

By Table / Parts (Desktop) / JSON / XML / Excel / CSV (Download)

By Table / Vehicles (Desktop) / JSON / XML / Excel / CSV (Download)

Database APIs (By Table)

Media Files

category_1_image -- Bytes: 220.58K / Files: 8
category_2_image -- Bytes: 36.74M / Files: 145
category_3_image -- Bytes: 603.09M / Files: 5,183
part_image -- Bytes: 139.85G / Files: 520,830

Attachment / Associated Media
This database has attachment (associated images, videos, or any other media files).
Download Size: 0.14T
Number of Items: 520
Format(s): JPEG
Samples or Demo: (Please click 'Attachments' tab)

Available Formats
Available Formats: While we do have a variety of formats available for our data sets, most popularly, MySQL, CSV, MS Excel, MS Access, XML, please see the Download Page for actual formats offered for this database.

For more information regarding this database such as detailed structure, fields in each of the table / how they are associated, notes, defects, data scopes and categories, please see the Overview Page. You can also reach us for any questions you need addressed regarding our products.

Purchase & Download
If you are interested in this database, please just "Add to Cart" and "Checkout with PayPal". You will be directed to PayPal to make the payment. After payment, you will be immediately and automatically sent the download link and necessary credentials to download the database.