Three possible causes of the 404 Pages
Ever meet 404 pages before? If you are struggling with 404s, here are 3 possible causes, follow the step to check your 404s:
Most people use Chrome, Firefox, Safar, and IE as the default browsers. These might be the causes of the 404 problems:
It is possible that you had visited this website before and the cookies went wrong. Go to ‘setting’ -> ‘Cookies’, and clear all the cookies.
Go check the Proxy setting, it is usually used to break the restricted website, but it might also cause problems browser the regular website. If you are using pc from your office, please go to your MIS to do it. To cancel the Proxy setting, go to the control panel, click Internet Options, click the Connections tab, and then click LAN Settings, the proxy setting should be there and you can just unclick it.
DNS setting
If you own the website and have the authority to edit the setting, please check if your DNS is correct. You can go to DNSstuff to check if it is correct or not.
Enter your website address into the DNS report, if there is any mistake, there will be an error message shown below. If you haven’t set the DNS yet, a massage “Work in progress!” will be shown.
Firewall and IP blocking
Firewall from office
Some companies will set a firewall to block specific IPs for security reasons. You can test it with a cellphone, if your phone can browse the website normally when your office pc can’t, then there is a big chance that the website was blocked by the office firewall or the IP of the office has been blocked.
Firewall of the web hosting
The web hosting providers might set up firewalls to protect you from brute-force attacks, if you fail to log in too many times, the firewall will lock up the hosting, and you will have to contact your provider for help.
The above self-checking ways can help reduce up to 80% of the 404s problems, if you see one of those next time to browse, try it!
Hope these tips work for you sometimes.