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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    exchange hosting

    what types of requirement need to exchange hosting ?

  2. #2
    Senior Member James-A's Avatar
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    As Exchange is a Microsoft based applications, so it needs a Windows server. Exchange is considered as resource intensive and a Dedicated server is recommended for it. Hosting providers who provide Exchange mail boxes install Exchange on Dedicated server and sell individual mail boxes. If a end user needs more mail boxes then he can opt for a Dedicated server and purchase your own license copy.

  3. #3
    Registered User GardnerBulkeley's Avatar
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    IMO you need a Windows dedicated server for MS Exchange. The dedicated server must have a minimum RAM of 4 GB as it consumes quite an amount of resource. You can either get an exchange license and install it on the dedicated server or if the hosting company offers the same, you can place the order for the same through your hosting company.
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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Exchange Hosting is a server system, whereby software enables the sending and receiving of email, other types of interactive communications and the sharing of business critical information online or through enabled wireless devices. The Exchange system is designed to interoperate with applications such as Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express and other e-mail applications, typically utilized by businesses. The purpose of the Exchange hosting system is to provide easy access to business critical information, while maximizing efficiency and simplifying the business communications of small, medium and large companies or organizations.

  5. #5
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    It is necessary to find a good Web hosting company for your website. First make a list of the hosting requirement which include technical requirements, hardware requirements, disk space, bandwidth requirements and other hosting features. Also ensure that the company has sufficient resources available to provide its users with stability and reliability.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    how to possible?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    It is necessary to look for a Web coordinator for your website. First make a list of the web coordinator need such as specialised requirements, elements requirements, disk generate space, information requirements and other web coordinator features. Also make sure that the company has adequate alternatives available to provide its customers with stability and reliability

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    You need to have a good internet connection which is capable of supporting the required traffic and the client software ( Microsoft Outlook).

    Quote Originally Posted by ajaykr View Post
    what types of requirement need to exchange hosting ?

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    The term hosted exchange refers to a service in the telecommunications industry whereby a provider makes an e-mail box and space available on a server so its clients can host their data on the server. The provider manages the hosted data of its clients on the server. Clients can access their emails, address book, task management and documents from different places and through various media. The e-mails are routed to a laptop or mobile phone through push technology.

  10. #10
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    17848 Sky Park Circle Suite C, CA 92614, United States
    Exchange Hosting is also available for customers who have mostly need for the features available from Microsoft Exchange, but do not have the facilities and also expertise required to host the system themselves on the Internet. Mostly, By subscribing with an Exchange Host provider, the customer can also take more advantage of all of the benefits of Exchange, without the additional hassle that is also involved in maintaining such a system.

  11. #11
    Junior Member
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    What is the best shared Microsoft Exchange hosting service?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    thanks for shearing information about exchange hosting this very useful information for us.............

  13. #13
    Junior Member
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    May 2012
    It is necessary to find a good Web hosting company for your website. First make a list of the hosting requirement which include technical requirements, hardware requirements, disk space, bandwidth requirements and other hosting features.

  14. #14
    Registered User
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    Exchange Web hosting is even accessible for customers that have mostly require for the features accessible from Microsoft Exchange, but dont have the facilities and in addition expertise needed to host the system themselves regarding the Internet. Mostly, By subscribing with a good Exchange Host company, the customer can even take more advantage of all of the benefits of Exchange, with no additional hassle that is even involved in building this system. .

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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    exchange hosting is used for email services. where it comes with many features. big organizations or who can afford they can have it. More email suiting get exchange...

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