what are application of domain name?
what are application of domain name?
Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes. In general, a domain name represents an Internet Protocol (IP) resource, such as a personal computer used to access the Internet, a server computer hosting a web site, or the web site itself or any other service communicated via the Internet.
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To give a name to our website.
To let the visitors know what our website is all about.
To show professional website
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It is the name given to the website.Have to select the best one which no one can forget our website.
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The domain you use for a your web site can have a huge impact in the way that humans and search engine spiders perceive it. Domain names were once so expensive that only those wanting to protect a brand or who could afford them owned them, now they are commonplace and if you know where to look, you could pick up a domain name for free.
Now that they are much easier to obtain, it is hard to take any site that does not have it's own domain name very seriously. Without a domain name, a company is likely to be passed off as amateurish or seen to want to cut corners to save money. If you have a company site and you still haven't got a domain name for your website, then you might want to think about getting one!
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Domain name is way or process to identify one or more IP addresses. For example, the domain name microsoft.com represents about a dozen IP addresses but Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular Web pages.
Like an address for your house, website is ur house and domain was the house plate or address...=P
An application domain is the segment of reality for which a software system is developed.
with a domain name you let visitors know what the website is about, look for example at Stylonic. this is a brand name that refers to children's clothing. We use our brand name to let you know what the website is about.
Domain Name Is a Highly Scalable Service That Translates Domain Names Into IP Addresses.