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I can afford to call a client back and ask them to downsize the email
how do I know that the exchange server can handle that? I heard that this can be a problem.
Whether you base it on price or features,Hostway is the right choice for your Hosted Exchange Provider:
1.Comprehensive plan for one low price
2.Full migration services at no cost to ensure a smooth transition
3.Free add-ons like Outlook 2010, SharePoint 2010, and ADSync
4.Email security with encryption, archiving, & advanced SPAM filtering
5.Dedicated staff of knowledgeable Exchange admins
6.24/7 live support
Really great offer! Thanks for sharing it.
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Hosted Exchange is a service in the telecommunications industry whereby a provider makes a Microsoft e-mail box and space available on a server so its clients can host their data on the server. The provider manages the hosted data of its clients on the server. Clients can access their emails, address book, task management and documents from different places and through various media. The e-mails are routed to a laptop or mobile phone through push technology.
The prerequisite for the use of this function is an Exchange server. These systems are available from several providers.
Hosted Exchange is a service in the telecommunications industry whereby a provider makes a Microsoft email box and space available on a server so its clients can host their data on the server. The provider manages the hosted data of its clients on the server.