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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    What are the advantages of Cloud hosting?

    I think that it is right place to ask about the advantages of using Cloud hosting solution.
    I came across and found out that they offer Cloud hosting solutions.
    Can you tell me what you think about this hosting plan?

    Have you ever used it before?
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  2. #2
    Registered User
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    What are the advantages of Cloud hosting?

    Cloud web host is the newest form of the web host who has become popular over modern times.When your site is on cloud hosting, then you will be able to have access to multiple servers and not a single one. You can also add any number of servers and scale up as you wish. This is one of the major advantages of this hosting.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    The architecture of Cloud hosting utilize groups of high specification servers, network attached storage devices to reliably serve every web page, and image of a website.Cloud hosting offers you with advantages like 100% uptime (network and power) and individual scalability od resources like space, RAM, CPU, bandwidth etc. | Knowledge-Base |
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  4. #4
    Registered User
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    New York City
    Scalability is one of the main cloud feature.
    Exabytes has specialized in providing web hosting services since year 2001. Ranked No. 1 in Malaysia since 2005, we now serve over 60,000 customers (from individuals, students, small & medium sized businesses, to government and public listed companies) in 121 countries and manage over 600 servers with 60,000 registered domains.
    Professional US Web Hosting|Managed Hosting|Domain|SSL|Virtual Private Server|Dedicated Server

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    hmm it means cloud has advantage over the traditional hosting.

  6. #6
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    Decrease in cost

    The biggest advantage of cloud computing is the elimination of the investment in stand-alone software or servers by the user. By cloud computing, one can easily save the overhead charges such as cost of data storage, software updates, management, and most importantly cost of quality control. Now anyone can use the services of cloud computing at affordable rates.

    Speed and scalability of cloud services

    With cloud computing, the user has no need to install the hardware or software for a new application; he or she can easily scale up or down the services, limiting them according to their requirements. There are many data centers that are located at multiple locations for the storage of data from near locations.
    Asia Affordable Web Hosting Provider

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2012
    When i read this i was completely amazed by this.I hope this could help you too:

    This is from Mr. Walter Bailey

    Advantages of Cloud Computing

    Cloud computing tells us how to use the computer resources more efficiently. It is the name of the technology that has changed our point of view regarding software and hardware requirements. Interestingly, cloud computing is the mixture of various delivery models, technology, and latest ideas, but also includes other models in the sector of IT. These models are specially designed for companies that provide services over the Internet. Cloud computing allows the user to access servers, data center space, software, and any of the network equipment. The user can also have the required platform if he or she wants to build an application. Hosting and maintenance can also be done by using cloud computing.

    Some of the advantages of cloud computing are as follows.

    Decrease in cost

    The biggest advantage of cloud computing is the elimination of the investment in stand-alone software or servers by the user. By cloud computing, one can easily save the overhead charges such as cost of data storage, software updates, management, and most importantly cost of quality control. Now anyone can use the services of cloud computing at affordable rates.

    Speed and scalability of cloud services

    With cloud computing, the user has no need to install the hardware or software for a new application; he or she can easily scale up or down the services, limiting them according to their requirements. There are many data centers that are located at multiple locations for the storage of data from near locations.

    Innovation in technology

    With the innovation in technology, the user has no need to manage or own the resources; cloud computing does that and provides the user the complete benefits.

    Selection of location

    Service providers can select the location for infrastructure freely, according to their requirements, minimizing their overhead expenses.

    Use of device

    Cloud computing services can be used and accessed from any device such as computer, mobile phone, or iPhone.

  8. #8
    Senior Member DanielChew's Avatar
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    The power of flexibility and scalable resources, the best part is auto healing when the hardware is fail.

    Specialised in Web Hosting, Dedicated Server, Domain Name since Year 2001. Trusted by over 50,000+ clients worldwide
    Award & Achievements | Notable Clients
    Web Hosting | Domain | Virtual Private Server | Dedicated Server

    Exabytes Singapore
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  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2012
    Cloud hosting provides lots of features and lots of storage spaces and it has now become popular.

  10. #10
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    San jose CA USA


    By utilizing the most innovative tools in traditional and cloud managed service industries, cloud managed services are able to monitor all layers of your Clouds infrastructure to help predict and engineer scalable events on an instant on-demand basis.


  11. #11
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    you must check their reviews section you will get beter idea about their service and support

  12. #12
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    Maintain easy access to your information with minimal upfront spending. Pay as you go (weekly, quarterly or yearly), based on demand.

  13. #13
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    The bottom line benefits to you are these: rapid deployment of computing resources, high performance, and service reliability. The eApps Cloud technology means speed, performance, and reliability. These are the cloud hosting advantages you receive in the eApps Virtual Cloud Server.

  14. #14
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2018
    Advantages of Cloud Computing

    There are various advantages of cloud computing technology. The important advantages of cloud computing are given below.

    1) Lower cost computer for users

    In cloud, you don't require a high-powered (and accordingly high-priced) computer to run cloud computing's web based applications because applications run on cloud not on desktop PC or laptop.

    2) Lower IT infrastructure cost

    By using cloud computing, you need not to invest in larger numbers of more powerful servers, you also need not to require the IT staff for handling such powerful servers.

    3) Fewer maintenance cost

    The maintenance cost in cloud computing greatly reduces both hardware and software maintenance for organizations of all sizes.

    4) Lower Software Cost

    It reduces the software cost because you don't need to purchase separate software packages for each computer in the organization.

    5) Instant software updates

    Another software-related advantage in cloud computing is that users don't need to face with the choice between obsolete software and high upgrade costs. If the app is web-based, updates happen automatically and are available next time when the user logs in to the cloud.

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    Sep 2017
    There are various advantages of Cloud hosting are given below:
    1. Freedom
    2. Power
    3. Scalability
    4. Reliability
    5. Better performance
    6. Reduced costs
    7. Disaster recovery

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