I have a web site and my developer informed be that our site has virus and we can't perform exchange hosting action. Please guide me either it possible or not. Which track I am to follow for exchange of web hosting
I have a web site and my developer informed be that our site has virus and we can't perform exchange hosting action. Please guide me either it possible or not. Which track I am to follow for exchange of web hosting
You can use some antivirus which may help or protect you.
Yeah, why don't you use some good antivirus.
Hosted Exchange is a service in the telecommunications industry whereby a provider makes a Microsoft email box and space available on a server so its clients can host their data on the server. The provider manages the hosted data of its clients on the server.
Web Hosting Problems. It's very common for businesses to register a domain name and host their public website with the same web hosting provider.
You can use some antivirus which may help or protect you.
Hosted Exchange is a service in the telecommunications industry whereby a provider makes a Microsoft email box and space available on a server so its clients can host their data on the server. The provider manages the hosted data of its clients on the server.
You want to keep your website's data safe and sound. When your hosting provider cannot help it, it's an issue. When it comes to hosting types, shared hosting is probably the least secure because it offers the least privacy.
If the thread is still open then there is same problem that I am facing, I have hosted one website on net4india, but some how the hosting provider shut down its services. Now I am unable to change the hosting provider from Net4India to other hosting as they are asking for authorization code. How to exchange the hosting without this authorization code.