365HostingSupport Offers the value added extra feature who boost your hosting business with Quality Cpanel Server Management service. With backbone of highly qualified Technical Support team and excellent response time you can find answer to your every query related your hosting problems.
365HostingSupport Provides the outgoing calls to your direct customer on your behalf and make sure that there is no communication gap which generally happens with traditional email communication and avoids the technical misunderstanding between to parties which trying to solve a simple problems.
365HostingSupport Provides really 24×7 technical Support with solid base and availability of all level of Admins (Level 1 , Level 2 , Level 3). This make sure that you do not have to wait for the Sr. admin to come in shift and solve your issue.
Due to the transference system you can directly communicate with the technical person over skype / gmail / yahoo / hotmail or any other medium which you would like to. This makes you comfortable and easy to explain your problems.
Easy to track down issues, with help of the centralized Ticket board system and billing system you can easily take overview of your current ongoing issues and followup on it.
Excellent Cpanel Management service , with Cpanel Certified Team you can always find your self in safe hand and expect quick solution on your issues
Why Sign Up ?
We have highly-trained teams standing by to provide 24×7 support to your clients
Quality Technical Support to Hosting companies and ISPs
Effective low-cost 24/7 support services
7 Days Money Back Guarantee
Indian Server Management Company
Skype: supportteam365