Hosted Exchange is a service in the telecommunications industry.The provider manages the hosted data of its clients on the server.
Hosted Exchange is a service in the telecommunications industry.The provider manages the hosted data of its clients on the server.
Hosted Exchange is a service in the telecommunications industry whereby a provider makes a Microsoft email box and space available on a server so its clients can host their data on the server. The provider manages the hosted data of its clients on the server.
Hosted Exchange is a service in the telecommunications industry whereby a provider makes a Microsoft email box and space available on a server so its clients can host their data on the server. The provider manages the hosted data of its clients on the server.
Many companies that purchase Exchange will actually install it on servers that are usually in the office. The thing with this is that it can be a bit expensive, especially for smaller businesses, and the server needed to host it can take up space that a business may not have. Other companies simply prefer to operate on cloud-based systems.