If you have chosen to use VPB web servers for your classifieds site, small and big businesses, you can count on our unique handmade hosting solution. We will make sure that your ideas run smoothly on our servers and that your website is safer, faster and better supported than anywhere else!

Dedicated Server Support
We’re here to manage your dedicated server around-the-clock. You can choose one of three support options: Fully Managed, Core Managed or Self Managed.

100% Network Uptime
Premium tier-1 bandwidth makes up the backbone of the VPB LLC network. We guarantee 100% Network Uptime.

Fast SSD Storage
Most of Our dedicated servers come standard with solid state storage (SSD) in a software RAID configuration, delivering the performance you demand from your server.

Tech Support:
- Open Classifieds installation, transfer and help
- 24/7 availability on phone, chat and tickets
- Below 15 min average ticket response
- Below 2 min wait time on phone and chat!

Fast & Secure Servers:
- Best data centers on Four continents
- Hardware setup with focus on speed
- Unique account isolation for security
- 24/7 proactive uptime monitoring

For more Information,

Skype: vpbintl.sales

Visit: https://www.vpb.com/cloud.php?fuid=269