Most small hosting companies start as resellers, and most of them fail soon or later. You have to be serious about your business if you want to succeed.
Most small hosting companies start as resellers, and most of them fail soon or later. You have to be serious about your business if you want to succeed.
Hi. I'm new here and I want to know where can I find the newbie thread.Thanks
This one is a good thread for a n00b to read before starting reselling business, you may also find numerous reseller hosting tutorials, it's one of them.
3Year old thread. I believe all further replies are not actual. - a true hosting company offering online presence solutions since 1998
Web Hosting, colocation, dedicated servers, Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting
Wholly owned multi homed network, servers and facilities
If you have start with least investment just start as affiliate reseller or take a reseller plan from a reliable company. If you willing to a dedicated server then go for it.
How do I start a resale business?
Obtain a tax ID number and a business license. ...
Decide what kind of merchandise you will sell. ...
Find the perfect property. ...
Collect inventory. ...
Set up your space for your grand opening. ...
Have your prices ready. ...
Advertise your resale shop. ...
Start looking for suppliers.
Anyone selling your domain?
so many people who are new to reselling don't pay tribute to the history and the classics, so knowing the OGs will give you a real edge and allow you to rise.
What are the steps to start a resale business?
Plan your business. A clear plan is essential for success as an entrepreneur. ...
Form a legal entity. ...
Register for taxes. ...
Open a business bank account. ...
Set up business accounting. ...
Obtain necessary permits and licenses. ...
Get business insurance. ...
Define your brand.
Reselling sneakers and streetwear is nothing new, but in recent years the secondary market has been flooded with a new generation
reselling is a totally flexible opportunity, so you can determine how much time, effort, and money you devote to growing your business.
If you are thinking to start a reseller hosting business. A CoolHandle Reseller hosting plan gives you complete control over every aspect of your hosting business, from resource allocation to payment methods and what additional services you choose to provide your clients domains, SSL certificates, etc.