Company registration in Singapore: who has encountered?

  1. malekmelkij
    Hi everyone!!! I'm thinking about registering a company in Singapore, but it seems to be quite a complicated process. I would like to know if any of you have already gone through it and what pitfalls may arise. Share your experience and advice on what to look out for?
  2. arenijkarim
    It is important to understand the taxes and reporting requirements beforehand. Plus, you need to open a local bank account, which can take time. But in general, Singapore is very business friendly and the process is quite transparent.
  3. tyuiop
    I set up a company in Singapore a couple of years back. The key is getting all your paperwork ready ahead of time and finding a local agent to assist with the registration. It's not as tough as it sounds, but having someone familiar with the local regulations makes it easier. If you're looking for help, you can check out company registration in Singapore here:
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